DATE: 06/03/24
All products manufactured by The Tidy Trailer Company (TTTC), whether sold direct
from or via an authorised third party, will benefit from a 1 year general
manufacturing warranty from the date of sale to the customer. The warranty shall
include the chassis and composite body as manufactured by the company, while
suspension, hubs, wheels, tyres, hitch, braking systems, hinges, locks, lights and
other assembled items shall be covered by the I year warranty provided by our
suppliers. TTTC shall at all times apply our very best endeavours to ensure the
honouring of such in the event of a claim.
Any Warranty Claim must in the first instance be detailed on an email forwarded to
hi@thetidytrailer.com, stating the unique TIN and the date first purchased. TTTC
thereafter reserves the right to have the trailer inspected before ruling on the
validity of the claim, and reserves the right to reject the claim on discovering any
evidence of misuse, over loading, accident damage or unreasonable modification.
Normal de-colourisation of galvanised parts or markings to the timber floor shall be
excluded from the warranty.
On accepting any claim, which shall be at the final judgement of TTTC, defective
parts shall be replaced, repaired or made good by the firm. No claim for any
consequential loss shall be considered.
None of the above shall be in contravention to statutory consumer protections
enshrined in U.K. law.